hey assalamualaikum :)
wakeup early in the morning . alya dtg awal harini so aku la kena jage die .
mama pegi hntr kak lin balik hostel . whoa mmg bagus la die dtg sbb aku time tu tgh mimpi bnde karut..
haiyoo --' aku tk ske mimpi bnde tu . cause not good for me . huh . kot baik tkpe la jgk nie mimpi nk bwt aku nangis baik tk pyh . aku da bole main lari-2 dkt dlm ruma nie dgn alya . haiyoo . gela la comell bdk nie wey . ishhh . haritu time dkt ts nmpk ade bdk kecik nie . aku tk thu la mat salleh kea ape . but comell gela . then aku ckp hello pas2 die mcm malu*blushing awww . ishh nk cubit-2 pipi die wey !
*nie alya !kantoi plk bru bgn tidur!
time nie mlm die nk blik da mama da jmput
byby umie . haha die pgl mama aku umie..
so die sorang je yg ganjil :D haha
fb semakin lembap ! --'
aku makin suke dgn skype dri fb shuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ya allah selamatkan lah penduduk jepun . kau ampun kan lah dosa-2 mereka . harap malaysia sentiasa aman . amin
ya allah selamatkan lah penduduk jepun . kau ampun kan lah dosa-2 mereka . harap malaysia sentiasa aman . amin
mama just say she going to give two tickets to go honeymoon to her son . OMG . i want that . mama ckp anytime je . ckp je nk pegi mane mama bagi tickets then pegi la honeymoon . walaowey bestnye . ade chance la nie kn . PARIS here i come . lambat lagi auh --' tkpe chill oke . yeah birthday kak lin 31 mac so ayah da suruh dorg cuti awal-2 . just plan nk pegi karoke . then bwt BBQ . yeah makan lagi haha . then on april birthday ayah dgn kak fiza . haa yg tu blm plan ape-2 maybe on 31 mac kak fiza tkde sbb bz with her flight . last night she just cll mama that she is going to PERTH for afew day . well she getting married soon .
nextweek dkt tusyen da start exam for 1 week . yeah dorg bwt mcm PMR . gela ahh aku nk kena bace buku . nasib aku da ready awal-2 .
huh . smlm dkt tusyen aku ddk dpn skli . tmpt aku da ade org duduk . ade plk suruh aku ddk sblh brian tknk aku wey . memekak je apek tu . dkt tusyen aku ashk tgk jam je . ingt dkt rumah smlm mmg aku tkde mood nk bljr . huh .
aku pnt gela smlm . aku tk bwtpe kluar rumah pun tk . ddk rumah jea aku mengadap lappy..blik je tusyen terus BOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM ats katil whoa mate aku pun da gntok but still ade hati nk mkn . haha . bunyi drumer die da bising-2 wey otw main lgu hardcore . aku da mkn still grrrrrrrrrrrrrr --' mcm setahun tk mkn . chill jea then txt dgn pyka . pyka tgh lpk dgn cousin dgn sis die . whoa pyka on je tv aku suruh die bkk channel kbsw tgk cite ape ade . then die ckp happy together terus aku pegi tgk tv . gela bosan wey . dpt 300 free txt dkt no cel aku tk thu nk txt sape . then ajk myrah txt jea . if bg free cll best lahay . nie free txt aduii lemah aku dgn free txt nie !
bile tgk dkt baju elmo nie ! phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww teringt aku dkt kau wey !
bkk lappy muke kau . tgk inbox txt kau . tgk HP muke kau . tgk sblh ade bear kau . walaowey rindu nye dkt kau b . smlm vidcll huh . dgr kau nyanyi . ehem-2 smpai kau mimpi-2 la kn . bhaha malu je wey ! ehh btw you're mine oke .
Sparks fly
Its like electricity
I might die
When I forget how to breath
You get closer and there’s
No where in this world I would rather be
Time stops
Like everything around me
Its frozen
And nothing matters but these
Few moments when you open my mind to things
I’ve never seen
Cause when I’m kissing you
My senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece
I’ve been trying to find
Falls right into place
You’re all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I’m kissing you
When I’m kissing you
It all starts making sense
And all the questions
I’ve been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I’m kissing you
Past loves
They never got very far
Walls of made sure
I’ve got in my heart
And I promise I wouldn’t do this till
I knew it was right for me
But no one
Sparks fly
Its like electricity
I might die
When I forget how to breath
You get closer and there’s
No where in this world I would rather be
Time stops
Like everything around me
Its frozen
And nothing matters but these
Few moments when you open my mind to things
I’ve never seen
Cause when I’m kissing you
My senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece
I’ve been trying to find
Falls right into place
You’re all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I’m kissing you
When I’m kissing you
It all starts making sense
And all the questions
I’ve been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I’m kissing you
Past loves
They never got very far
Walls of made sure
I’ve got in my heart
And I promise I wouldn’t do this till
I knew it was right for me
But no one
No guy that I met before
Could make me
Could make me
Feel so right and secure
And have you noticed
I lose my focus
And the world around me disappears
And have you noticed
I lose my focus
And the world around me disappears
I’ve never felt nothing like this
You’re making me open up
No point in even trying to fight this
It kinda feels like it’s love
whoa skype dgn afiqah pewitt . haha .tgk la DOMO die besar wey . aku punye kecik je . haha tkpe-2
nty aku nk mtk DOMO bsr nye mcm aku . huh . msti ade pnye . time tu tkde sape bole pnjm DOMO aku..usik pun tk bole aku simpan DOMO tu dlm peti . mlm je aku kluarkn sbb nk hug hug die time tidur . haha . bole kn kn !
new song . whoa dlu lgu perfect two now da tkr oke . lagi sad ade la . tah aku mmg da lame nk ltk lgu tu . aku dgr lgu tu dkt blog liyaa tadi da start nk meleleh air mate nie wey . whoa sad lahay . biar lagu sad nie aku nk tgk bape lame tahan dkt blog aku auh .
new song . whoa dlu lgu perfect two now da tkr oke . lagi sad ade la . tah aku mmg da lame nk ltk lgu tu . aku dgr lgu tu dkt blog liyaa tadi da start nk meleleh air mate nie wey . whoa sad lahay . biar lagu sad nie aku nk tgk bape lame tahan dkt blog aku auh .